Disclaimer - NYTherapyguide and Practice Perfect EMR + Management Software do not endorse or represent any Occupational Therapists, practices or institutions listed in this directory or make any representation as to the quality of the professional services offered or make any claims about the specific skills of any therapists listed here or their abilities to work with any specific person. Neither NYTherapyguide or Practice Perfect Management has examined, determined or warranted the competence of any therapist listed or The information provided in the directory is provided by the professional who has chosen to be listed. Use of this directory to find a therapist is wholly voluntary. In no event shall NYTherapyguide or Practice Perfect Management be liable for damages to any user of the directory for the voluntary selection of any therapist, for the services provided by any therapist listed herein, or for any other damages which may occur. No warranties related to the information contained in or resulting services listed in the directory are provided.